5 Questions- Amanda Verbeck

Ep. 52- Amanda Verbeck

Welcome listeners to 5 Questions: A Critical Mass for the Visual Arts Podcast in which we ask 5 questions of our interviewees aimed at positioning and contextualizing their respective bodies of work within the St. Louis artworld.This episode we’re talking with Amanda Verbeck

Micro and macro, universal and personal, large and small, simple and complex. These relationships and dichotomies are central to Amanda’s creative endeavors. Using science and nature as her inspiration, Amanda creates work with cellular structures, plant forms, and the human body, focusing on the often small and forgotten elements that are all around and part of us. She strives to bring unseen worlds (both literal and figurative) to the forefront, highlighting their intrigue and beauty.

Amanda Verbeck was born and raised in St. Louis, MO. She received her BFA in Printmaking in 2001 from Washington University in St. Louis. After graduation, she continued to gain knowledge about collaborative printing through a Master Printer apprenticeship with Maryanne Ellison Simmons at Wildwood Press. In 2006, Amanda opened Pele Prints. She also continues to work as a studio artist, creating prints, collages, and mixed media works on paper.

  1. Why art? Why create? 
  2. Where should your work live, where does it live?
  3. What do you want for St. Louis and its people?
  4. What do you wish someone would ask you about your work? 
  5. What change does your work evoke in the viewer? What’s the endgame?

5 Questions is a program by Critical Mass for the Visual Arts – a nonprofit, self-formed visual arts collaborative dedicated to promoting, enhancing and initiating contemporary visual art in the St. Louis region. 

Pick it up on iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts

Or at criticalmassart.org/fivequestions, on twitter @criticalmassSTL, and IG @criticalmassart

With Amanda Verbeck and Joe Kohlburn 

Editor – Sarah Hammond

Producer – Brett Williams

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