5 Questions- Tim Portlock

Ep. 61- Tim Portlock

Welcome listeners to 5 Questions: A Critical Mass for the Visual Arts Podcast in which we ask 5 questions of our interviewees aimed at positioning and contextualizing their respective bodies of work within the St. Louis artworld.This episode we’re talking with Tim Portlock!

Tim Portlock’s current work combines special effects software and the visual conventions of 19th-century American painting to creatively simulate contemporary cityscapes. In recent years, his large format print images have depicted imagined landscapes populated with the empty buildings that surround his home in Philadelphia as well as developments in post-boom and bust Las Vegas. Other work utilizes large outdoor video projections onto buildings, creating temporary public art that incorporates new media and the visual language of murals while engaging with architecture and city space. He received a Pew Fellowship in the Arts. His exhibitions include  SPRING/BREAK Art Show, PULSE New York, Broadstone Studios in Dublin as part of Photo Ireland (2012); the Tate Modern as a member of the artist collective Vox Populi (2011); Christie’s London, represented by Philagrafika (2012); the International Guerrilla Video Festival in Dublin (2009);This is Not a Gateway, a group exhibition of outdoor video projections in London (2009). He has also exhibited at the 404 Festival in Argentina and Italy, ISEA Japan, and Ars Electronica, Austria


  1. Why art? Why create? 
  2. Where should your work live, where does it live?
  3. What do you want for St. Louis and its people?
  4. What do you wish someone would ask you about your work? 
  5. What are you building towards?5 Questions is a program by Critical Mass for the Visual Arts – a nonprofit, self-formed visual arts collaborative dedicated to promoting, enhancing and initiating contemporary visual art in the St. Louis region. 

Or at criticalmassart.org/fivequestions, on twitter @criticalmassSTL, and IG @criticalmassart

With Tim Portlock and Joe Kohlburn 

Editor – Sarah Hammond

Producer – Brett Williams

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